IS-PALD 2023

The International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics 2023 (IS-PALD 2023) provides an opportunity to learn advances in physics and applications of laser dynamics through invited talks by renowned scholars and through contributed presentations, both oral and poster, by active researchers. All types of conventional and emerging lasers are covered, such as semiconductor, solid state, fiber, quantum well, quantum dot, quantum cascade, and ring cavity. Meanwhile, the Symposium creates an environment for extensive discussion and potential collaboration with researchers worldwide.
Two areas of laser dynamics are covered in the Symposium :

 Ultrafast Laser Dynamics

The topics of which include but are not limited to:

Physics and engineering of ultra-short and/or high-energy pulsed lasers

Generation, shaping and processing of ultra-short and/or high-energy laser pulses

Detection and characterization of ultra-short and/or high-energy laser pulses

Applications of ultra-short and/or high-energy laser pulses


Nonlinear Laser Dynamics

The topics of which include but are not limited to:

Physics and engineering of nonlinear laser dynamics, including stability, bistability,

 periodic and aperiodic dynamics, and chaos

Generation, measurement, shaping, and processing of diverse waveforms based on

 nonlinear laser dynamics

Characterization, control, and synchronization of nonlinear laser dynamics

Applications of nonlinear laser dynamics and their waveforms


Important Dates

Deadline for registrations and payments: November 10, 2023


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