Jean-Pierre WOLF Laser Control of Atmospheric Fog and Lightning Strikes
INVITED SPEAKERS Massimo GIUDICI Spatio-temporally reconfigurable light in degenerate laser cavities
Antonio HURTADO Photonic Spiking Neurons and Spiking Neural Networks
Yannis KOMINIS Complex Synchronization Dynamics in Frequency Comb-Driven Optically Injected Lasers
Cristina MASOLLER Experimental study of speckle patterns generated by a semiconductor laser with optical feedback
Tobias HERR Nano-structured micro resonators and amplifiers for chip-integrated femtosecond photonics
Miguel SORIANO Ultrafast Information Processing with Delay-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers
Bryan KELLEHER Dynamics of integrated, bidirectionally coupled, optical comb sources
Martin HOFMANN Spin lasers - prospects and challenges
Julien JAVALOYES Kerr frequency combs in injected semiconductor micro-cavities
Cristina RIMOLDI Addressing CW stability and frequency comb regimes in III-V SiN hybrid lasers with narrowband reflector
Mircea GUINA Quantum well semiconductor mirrors – new applications to laser technology
Cheng WANG Scalable parallel and deep photonic reservoir computing
Vassilios KOVANIS Quantum noise, fractal basins & coexisting limit cycles
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